3 research outputs found

    A virtual reality environment for training operators for assembly tasks involving human-cobot interactions

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    The introduction of collaborative robots in the industry requires new training methods. Users without experience in collaborative tasks with robots present insecurity at the beginning, reducing their productivity until they become familiar with this type of process. To address this problem the training method must take place in an environment where the user feels comfortable working with the cobot to overcome the insecurities. This thesis aims at defining a training method for users to get used to working with collaborative robots. The method covers every kind of robot and task. In addition, this research looks for a training that takes place outside the production line so as not to affect the productivity of the plant. The document presents the background of training methods in the industry and new trends in this field such as virtual reality and the evolution of interactions with robots. A patent landscape is included to evaluate the current situation in the investigation and development of these fields. This thesis work proposes an interactive and immersive virtual reality training based on WebGL. It consists on a simulation where the operator interacts in real time with a cobot executing a collaborative task. By using WebGL you can access the simulation directly from the browser and without restrictions in the virtual reality equipment. The scenario presents the assembly of a box in collaboration with the YuMi cobot of ABB. The tools, models and techniques used for the implementation are described. Taking advantage of the properties of virtual reality to facilitate the learning of the task, the simulation offers a user assistance system that is explained in detail. This method has been tested in a group of student engineers who performed the simulation in order to evaluate the effectiveness of this proposal to help operators in their learning of collaborative tasks. The results show a greater acceptance and confidence of the users to perform the task with the cobot after the simulation while they learnt the entire process of the task. It is concluded therefore with this thesis that the proposed method is valid for user training in collaborative tasks. It is hoped that this work will serve as a basis for future research in the incorporation of WebGL and virtual reality in the training of industrial processes

    Implementaci贸n de una c茅lula robotizada para paletizaci贸n con visi贸n artificial

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    [ES]En este trabajo se aborda el dise帽o y desarrollo de un escenario que reproduce situaciones industriales de gran utilidad, como son la clasificaci贸n mediante visi贸n artificial y paletizaci贸n de piezas de distintas caracter铆sticas. Entre las tareas resueltas se encuentran el dise帽o y fabricaci贸n de algunos de los elementos que componen la aplicaci贸n, la integraci贸n y cableado de los mismos en el escenario, hasta la programaci贸n de los elementos automatizados (c谩mara-visi贸n, movimientos del robot y control global del PLC).[EU]Lan honetan ekiten da eszenario baten diseinua eta garapena egoera industrial erabilgarriak errepikatzen dituenak, hala nola klasifikazioa ikusmen artifizialaren bitartez eta ezaugarri desberdinetako piezen paletizazioa. Ebatzitako zereginen artean aurki daitezke aplikazioa osatzen duten zenbait elementuen diseinua eta fabrikazioa, hauen integrazioa eta kableatzea eszenarioan , elementu automatizatuen programazaio-arte (kamara-ikusmen, robotaren mugimenduak eta PLC-aren kontrol globala).[EN]This project consists in addressing the design and development of a course that reproduces high utility industrial scenarios, such as classification through artificial vision and palletization of elements with different characteristics. The different tasks include the design and fabrication of some elements included in the application, the integration and wiring of the course itself, including the programming of the different automated elements (camera-vision, the robot's movements and the PLC's global control)

    On-line Training and Monitoring of Robot Tasks through Virtual Reality

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    Currently, the implementation of virtual, augmented and mixed realities-based solutions is one of the megatrends in the Industrial Automation domain. In this context, Virtual Reality (VR) permits the development of virtual environments that can be used for different purposes, such as designing, monitoring and/or training industrial machinery. Moreover, the access to such environments can be remote, facilitating the interaction of humans with cyber models of real-world systems without the need of being at the system facilities. This article presents a virtual environment that has been developed within VR technologies not only for training and monitoring robot tasks but also to be done at robot operation runtime within an on-line mode. In this manner, the user of the presented environment is able to train and monitor de tasks at the same time that the robot is operating. The research work is validated within the on-line training and monitoring tasks of an ABB IRB 14000 industrial robot.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe